Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stunna of the Week 12: Three for 1 Salt-N-Pepa-N-Spinderella

The Hip-Hp version of the R&B girl groups complete with questions of talent, relevance, bed room drama, money problems and of course cattiness.


What Hip-Hop head did not have a crush on Salt-n-Pepa and Spin?

They were good for Hip-Hop, sexy with out being slutty, conscious, talented, hell they need to make a come back.

I do not remember them losing any of their momentum in the 90's like every one says, I just figured they wanted a break from each other.

After watching an episode of the reality show,(which sucks), they came back to my mind like a good dream.

I wouldn't mind seeing the old timers drop another album so long as their art matured with them.