- YOU called me at 145 am in a state of an emergency......
- YOU come in dragging your daughter in the middle of the night with YOU......
- YOU crashed on my couch and your daughter in my bed because YOU decided YOU didn't want to pay rent at your apt.........
- YOU decided after a week to disappear for the night telling no one, leaving your daughter with me with out so much a bye or asking if there was anything to feed her........
- I decide to take her to work the next day when YOU didnt show the morning.......
- YOU decide to snatch up your things in the middle of the night with your daughter when I say "we need to talk" about what happen.......
- YOU accuse me of trying to control YOU when all I want is a heads up..........
- YOU decide to use your daughter against me as a weapon to try to hurt me..........
- YOU are the one who made me call YOU a BITCH........
- YOU are the one that needs the blessings......
Bird it is YOU.......
It was always YOU......
It will always be YOU........
When YOU die they will put on your tombstone "IT WAS ME".........
And if I'm still alive I will be like "....see I told YOU it was YOU"...........
Good Riddance To YOU...........