Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What I am Rocking: Gnarls Barkley

Ive been waiting for another video from these two but I wasn't expecting this lol.

Who's Gonna Save My Soul

This true though.

Once the heart is given it doesn't grow back.

At least not the way it was before.

This of course can lead to "Damaged Beyond Repair" men or "Bitter Black Women", the two hate the opposite same color sex like lions hate hyenas.

And than they mess up or self sabotage the new relationship giving birth to another DBR or BBW, thus spreading like a plague.

But it can also lead to smart boys and girls who are going to wait see how deep the pool is before jumping in head first.

Either way you are never the same, now if that's a good thing I do not know for certain.

Overly cautious can lead to you missing out on a good thing.

Jumping back in the saddle like you never took a fall can lead to a repeat.

In short Falling in love is a wonderful thing.

Getting your heart broke is a straight up mutha%$#$ though.